Exam Description: chapter 1 and chapter-2
Total Questions : 35
Exam Duration: 30 minutes

Time Remaining: 30

Question# 1. the total number of function keys on the keyboard are:

Question# 2. Which of the following was the key component of first generation computer?

Question# 3. what is the full form of DPI?

Question# 4. Which of the following are the examples of Hardware in Computer system?

Question# 5. choose the correct option according to ascending order of storage capacity.

Question# 6. Mouse is an:

Question# 7. The output quality of printer is measured in

Question# 8. qwerty is found in:

Question# 9. an example of handheld computer is

Question# 10. Which of the following are the parts of CPU?

Question# 11. which of the following is not a pointing device ?

Question# 12. what is data in the computer system?

Question# 13. the brain of the computer system is contained on a single chip called the?

Question# 14. Which of the following is an example of impact printer?

Question# 15. USB stands for:

Question# 16. QWERTY is found in

Question# 17. Which of the following is NOT a hardware device?

Question# 18. ______ is an input device used to input audio data into computer.

Question# 19. what is the ascii code of character ‘+’ ?

Question# 20. dot matrix, inkjet and laser are the types of which computer peripherals?

Question# 21. Which of the following is output device?

Question# 22. Bullet library has ____

Question# 23. Which of the following provide information in a permanent readable format also known as Hard copy?

Question# 24. what is full form of alu?

Question# 25. A key that turns a function on or off is called a ________ key:

Question# 26. which of the following is related to word “QWERTY”?

Question# 27. a device used for converting text and image into digital format and storing it in a computer:

Question# 28. ascll code uses .........bits to store each character

Question# 29. which of the following is not an expansion card ?

Question# 30. what is the correct classification of computer based on size, storage, capacity, and performance?

Question# 31. Toggle keys are _______

Question# 32. what is full form of smps?

Question# 33. Which printer prints data or images by spraying small droplets of ink at high speed onto the surface of the paper?

Question# 34. when you connect the projector,--------connection option enables to display different content on your laptop, monitor and on the data projector screen.

Question# 35. What is the key component of 1st generation computers?